

Enrich, energize, 继续你的舞蹈之旅或事业, drama, 和音乐在茱莉亚学院林肯中心校区, 或者在舒适的家中上网. 

esball世博的杰出演奏家教授, creatives, 和学者, 朱丽亚扩展 offers a wealth of courses to advance your technical and professional skills, 获得大学学分, 或者在表演艺术方面拓展你的视野. 

无论你的背景如何, age, ability, 或位置, 茱莉亚扩展学院邀请您加入这个由来自各行各业的专家和爱好者组成的充满活力的社区. 




Writing and arranging music can be an exciting and rewarding enterprise. The most proficient composers must have the skills to effectively carry out their creative impulses, 包括音乐理论知识, 了解各种仪器及其功能, 对构图原理和技巧有扎实的掌握, 熟悉乐谱软件.

茱莉亚扩展学院的面对面和在线作曲课程涵盖了广泛的基本作曲技巧和技巧. 我们的成人作文课是为没有经验的入门级学生和希望扩展他们的知识和加强他们的工作的已有技能的学生设计的. In nearly all courses, students hear their works performed by Juilliard College Division musicians.


学生有资格获得a 作曲证书 完成本学科的必修课程.


进行 classes at 朱丽亚扩展 aim to lay a solid foundation for future study, 反射, 或与任何导电环境相关的实践. 每学期, students have several opportunities to conduct small ensembles drawn from the Juilliard community.

朱丽亚扩展’s in-person and online classes in conducting explore various elements of conducting, 彩排的技术, and specific techniques associated with certain genres such as opera recitative. 指挥学生的范围从那些刚刚开始探索指挥工艺的人到寻求持续专业发展的经验丰富的专业人士. Our in-person conducting courses for adults are taught in New York City at Juilliard’s 林肯中心 campus.


在茱莉亚扩展学院, you will be encouraged to explore how dance as an art form reaches across centuries and cultures. 通过我们的舞蹈历史和欣赏课程, you will learn the history and works from the past that continue to inform today’s dance makers, and you will be invited to share in the creativity of the world’s most celebrated choreographers.

给那些想跳舞的人, 朱丽亚扩展 offers a variety of dance classes at Juilliard’s 林肯中心 Campus in New York City. You can explore fundamental ballet techniques in person each week in the beautiful Glorya Kaufman Dance Studio. Likewise, 我们每学期提供有限的在线舞蹈课程,您可以在舒适的家中练习动作和灵活性.


茱莉亚扩展学院提供广泛的戏剧课程,专注于戏剧作为一种类型和创造性的实践. 我们的场景学习:团体表演班是一个为那些寻求持续发展和指导他们的表演技巧的地方. 这些小组课程为学生提供了一个志同道合的社区,他们以激情和承诺接近表演.


耳朵的培训 & 音乐才能

esball世博扩展学院的在线和面对面的听力培训课程 & 音乐才能 are designed to help students become self-sufficient musicians. 这些课程本质上是技术性的, 提供实用的方法来提高阅读能力, hear, 理解基本的音乐概念. 通过每周作业, exercises, 通过练习,学生逐渐培养出一种技巧,使他们能够更高效、更流畅地听音乐和学习音乐. In-person 耳朵的培训 courses are offered at Juilliard’s 林肯中心 campus in New York City.


茱莉亚扩展学院在纽约市的茱莉亚学院林肯中心校区为任何希望学习吉他的人提供成人吉他课程. 无论你是完全的初学者还是有一些经验, our world-class faculty will help you develop the mastery and skills needed to achieve your goals. 吉他课程以小组形式授课.

History & 升值

茱莉亚扩展学院的成人历史课程 & 欣赏提供了表演艺术世界的广泛探索. 每个学期,我们都提供各种各样的面对面和在线音乐史课程,并由我们尊敬的茱莉亚学院扩展学院的现场指导.

音乐史课程是专门为那些喜欢艺术但自己可能不是艺术家的人设计的. Many of these courses complement 林肯中心 and Juilliard programming and, 有时, 在课堂上介绍嘉宾表演者.


朱丽亚扩展’s 键盘的研究 courses enhance keyboard playing and musicianship skills. We offer in-person and online classes in 键盘的研究 and the curriculum covers sight-reading, 键盘和声, 换位, 阅读分数.

我们的键盘学习课程旨在提高键盘演奏者所必需的具体实践技能, 导体, 和作曲家. Students are expected to have basic piano proficiency (ability to read both treble and bass clefs).

键盘技能课程在纽约市的esball世博林肯中心校区亲自授课. Online Keyboard skills students must have access to a piano or keyboard to participate in these classes.


在今天的数字集成世界, musicians and music makers increasingly use digital tools to create their art. 从逻辑到结局, Sibelius, and more, 21世纪音乐家的工具箱里的工具越来越多. esball世博的音乐制作课程帮助那些接受过音乐培训的学生进一步提高他们使用数字工具的能力. 经常, students who take these courses seek to advance their skills in music production, 电影作曲, 安排电视和电影, and more.


音乐理论 & Analysis

esball世博的音乐理论与分析课程通过对音乐文学语法的研究,帮助音乐家加深对音乐文学的理解, 结构, 和风格. 在这些研究中, 学生发展和完善他们的音乐本能, 扩展他们的音乐曲目知识, and apply this knowledge creatively through model composition projects.

音乐理论 & Analysis courses are for students who are interested in composition or earning academic credit. The program begins with the Elements of Music, which starts with the basic language of music theory. It then progresses into the five-semester sequence of 音乐理论 and Analysis I-V. 先进的选修课, to expand students’ theoretical knowledge and analytical skills in specific time periods and genres, 也提供.

我们提供在线音乐理论和分析培训,以及在纽约esball世博林肯中心校园的亲自指导. 学生有资格获得a 核心音乐技能证书 完成本学科的必修课程.


esball世博的钢琴和室内乐课程是注重技巧和曲目的集体钢琴课程. 我们现在提供在线钢琴课程,并将继续邀请学生亲自参加纽约茱莉亚学院林肯中心校区的钢琴课.


In today’s world, artists need more than solid performance skills to have successful careers. Performing artists must also develop a wide range of skills in finance, 营销与传播, 和教育学, 以及对影响表演艺术场所和机构的竞争要求和问题的透彻理解. 这些课程将帮助学生发展各种基本技能, 提高他们对表演艺术景观的理解,提高他们的艺术水平,同时为从事艺术活动提供实用信息.


茱莉亚扩展学院提供全方位的声音课程, 专为服务歌手从业余到最先进的水平. 我们的声乐课程涵盖了从当代音乐剧到抒情歌曲和歌剧等各种风格和流派. 我们提供对每个歌手和演员的艺术成长和发展至关重要的措辞和表演技巧的重点培训. 综上所述, these classes are designed to constitute a comprehensive curriculum for study in vocal arts. Voice classes are taught online and in person at Juilliard’s 林肯中心 campus in New York City.


茱莉亚扩展学院提供两个证书课程,专为寻求核心音乐技能和音乐创作严格课程的学生设计. 证书课程的所有课程在内容和交付上都与茱莉亚学院学部的本科课程相匹配, 并且需要在课外做大量的准备. 完成该课程的学生在实践知识方面获得了坚实的基础,这对所有音乐家来说都是必要的.


  • Certificates are designed to be completed within a two-year period (four semesters), but students may take up to four years (eight semesters) to complete it.
  • Students must obtain a grade of C or higher in each course to fulfill the requirements of the program.
  • 茱莉亚扩展学院是一个非录取项目. 我们不提供奖学金或联邦或州资助.



The 核心音乐技能证书 requires a minimum of 18 credits. 学生必须报读以下课程:

  • EVCRT 111 - 音乐理论 and Analysis I: Diatonic Harmony (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 211 - 音乐理论 and Analysis II: Principles of Form (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 311 - 音乐理论 and Analysis III: Chromatic Harmony and Analysis (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 411 - 音乐理论 and Analysis IV: At Tonality’s Edge (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • Evcrt 121 / Evcrt 122 - 耳朵的培训 I (4 credits; 2 semesters)



  • EVCRT 421 - 音乐理论 and Analysis V: 20th Century and Beyond (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • Evcrt 423 / Evcrt 424 – 音乐理论 Elective (3 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 141 OR EVCRT 142 - Keyboard Skills I (2 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 221 OR EVCRT 222 - 耳朵的培训 II (2 credits; 1 semester)


If students entering the program are not at the requisite level to enroll in the above credit-bearing courses, they must first take noncredit prerequisite courses from the following list to achieve eligibility:

  • EVDIV 011 -音乐理论和分析的要素
  • EVDIV 040 -键盘技能要素
  • EVDIV 041 -入门键盘技能
  • EVDIV 052 -耳训练入门


如果学生考出了必修课, 学生必须在下列领域选修有学分的课程,至少修满18学分,方可取得证书:

  • 作文
  • 进行
  • 耳朵的培训 & 音乐才能
  • 键盘的研究
  • 音乐理论 & Analysis



The 作曲证书 requires a minimum of 20 credits as follows:

  • Evcrt 313 / Evcrt 314 - 作文 (4 credits; 2 semesters)
  • Evcrt 413 / Evcrt 414 - Advanced 作文 (4 credits; 2 semesters)
  • Evcrt 113 / Evcrt 114 - Orchestration (4 credits; 2 semesters)
  • Evcrt 213 / Evcrt 214 - Advanced Orchestration (4 credits; 2 semesters)
  • EVCRT 141 OR EVCRT 142 - Keyboard Skills I (2 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 243 - Piano I (1 credit; 1 semester) AND
  • EVCRT 244 - Piano II (1 credit; 1 semester)



  • EVCRT 471 - Score Reading for Conductors and Composers (2 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 461 OR EVCRT 462 - Orchestral 进行 (2 credits; 1 semester)
  • EVCRT 517 - Scoring to Picture (2 credits; 1 semester)


If students entering the program are not at the requisite level to enroll in the above credit-bearing courses, they must first take noncredit prerequisite courses from the following list to achieve eligibility:

  • EVDIV 151 -组成元素
  • EVDIV 040 -键盘技能要素
  • EVDIV 011 -音乐理论与分析的要素
  • EVDIV 052 -耳朵训练入门
  • EVDIV 041 —键盘技能入门

如果学生考出了必修课, 学生必须在下列领域选修有学分的课程,至少修满20学分,方可取得证书:

  • 作文
  • 进行
  • 耳朵的培训 & 音乐才能
  • 键盘的研究
  • 音乐理论 & Analysis


如果学生考出了必修课, 学生必须在下列领域选修有学分的课程,至少修满20学分,方可取得证书:

  • 作文
  • 进行
  • 耳朵的培训 & 音乐才能
  • 键盘的研究
  • 音乐理论 & Analysis


保持联系! 我们将与您联系有关学期启动, 即将来临的事件, 以及其他在茱莉亚扩展学院发生的令人兴奋的消息.




访问esball世博扩展欢迎中心获取学术建议, 登记, 一般问题. 在欢迎中心的工作时间内,您可以亲自登记. 安排预约 鼓励亲身报名.

Our Welcome Center is located at the 155 W 65th Street entrance on the street level, 在电梯的右边. 

工作时间:周一至周四,下午1 - 5点. Please note, the Welcome Center is closed on Thursdays during June-August.

查询我们的计划或进一步的细节, 请于周一至周五与我们联系, 东部时间上午9点至下午5点,电话:(212)799-5000. 273. Please note that our offices are closed on Fridays during the months of June–August.

Dan Vesey, Assistant Director for Enrollment and Engagement, 朱丽亚扩展
Jaycee Cardoso, Enrollment and Engagement Coordinator, 朱丽亚扩展

纽约,NY 10023

我们一起创造不同! 你的支持很重要. 你知道吗,茱莉亚扩展学院的所有净收益都用于支持学生奖学金,我们90%的大学生都获得了奖学金? 在这里了解更多关于我们奖学金的信息. 感谢你们参与我们的使命!